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Injection Reflection

January is officially over! At least we have the Royal Rumble this Sunday. Here's what you missed this week: Dave Mustaine on Alexi Laiho:...

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"There's a little bit of movement, but it's hard to do a lot when we're not together."

Best of 2020

Good riddance, 2020. This was undoubtedly a year like no other, and hopefully in 2021 we can move forward, and maybe, possibly, safely resume...

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James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich do not recalls.

Injection Reflection

The Christmas season is upon us so new posts tend to slow down the next two weeks. But we'll still be bringing more Best...

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"Writing always makes me feel enthusiastic about what's next."


Lars Ulrich has heard it all. Being the most successful drummer in the heavy metal space, the Metallica drummer has gotten his share of...

Injection Reflection

How are we basically halfway through November? This doesn't make sense to me. This year just feels like a dream. Here's what you missed...

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There's a slight wrench in Metallica's plan of writing new music, they can't exactly do it over Zoom, due to technological limitations that end...

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"I’m not gonna speak on behalf of the other guys, but to me, it feels like this could be a very collaborative [writing process]."

Back in the Day

Metallica has been around ever since that fateful day in 1981 when Lars Ulrich ended up meeting James Hetfield after responding to Hetfield's ad...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica have been talking about writing new material, but they're not only writing new material as a band. Guitarist Kirk Hammett revealed he's been...


Plus appearances by past and present members of the band.

Injection Reflection

It was a rough week for all of rock music, but we'll always have Eddie's riffs. Here's what you missed this week: The Amazing...

Back in the Day

Metallica rolled into Boston, Massachusetts, on January 22nd, 1984 (according to Metallica's official tour schedule and the venue's show archive), for a gig at...

Back in the Day

In 1992 (after leaving MTV for FOX), The Ben Stiller Show, led by comedian Ben Stiller and a cast of crazies, continued to parody...

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During a show on August 8, 1992, Metallica guitarist and vocalist James Hetfield suffered second and third degree burns from standing too close to...

Around the Interwebs

Which Metallica member has the best Zoom room? We dig in.

At The Movies

Biopics are all the rage. Queen saw a huge career resurgence after their biopic. Elton John saw a boost. Ozzy is working on a...