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MARILYN MANSON & JONATHAN DAVIS' Collaboration Might Be "Southern Sounding"

Hmmm… things just got interesting in a lot of ways.

Hmmm... things just got interesting in a lot of ways.

Okay, hear me out on this one but we might be in for something utterly insane.

Recently we reported on Marilyn Manson and Korn's Jonathan Davis working together on something. We didn't know what kind of music it would be, but on a recent Reddit AMA session with Manson, he revealed that the project would only sort of be with Davis (as far as I can tell) and that the music might venture into something "southern sounding."

"Um… as a matter of fact, that’s some of the plans, of the style of music that I’m working on right now. I don’t know what it’ll turn into. Some of it will be with Jonathan Davis, I think. Because he has plans of doing something similar as well. Something that might even cross over the boundaries of being more Southern-sounding."

Hey, remember when Jonathan Davis was recently spotted in the studio with country act Big and Rich but nothing was ever said about it? Dude, what if that's the "southern sounding" bit to Manson's new project and Davis is just producing the whole thing and not actually performing? Granted, this is entirely speculative and could be me just drawing lines between things that don't exist, but still… maybe?

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