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IRON MAIDEN To Release Maiden England '88 Concert DVD

Many consider Iron Maiden's Maiden England tour in 1988 to be their best ever. Maiden might just agree, as their most recent tour featured the exact same set list that they played in 1988. For those of you who couldn't make it out to the shows, don't worry! The band is re-releasing the famous 1988 concert video, digitally remastered in every fucking format available.

The live release will be available as a double CD, digital audio download, double picture-disc vinyl and a double DVD.

The first disc will contain the classic "Maiden England" video, which was originally released in 1989 on VHS, as well as three extra songs, previously unreleased, performed during the encore of the show, which are ‘Running Free,’ ‘Run to the Hills’ and ‘Sanctuary.’

Disc two will have all the bonus footage including a new 40 minute documentary on the history of Maiden as well as music videos and a remastered version of their 1987 doc, Twelve Wasted Years.

The release is scheduled for March 25th. Here's the trailer:

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