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This Is Just A Tribute

Big names react to the tragic news.

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.


Nightkin: the next big name in melodic black metal.

This Is Just A Tribute

Dave Bowie did not play heavy metal, but you would be a fool to think he didn't have a massive influence on the genre....

Around the Interwebs

No squid ink for us Americans, but we do get the black bun!

Bummer Alert

Yesterday, we learned that After The Burial guitarist Justin Lowe was tragically found dead. The news spread throughout the metal community and many of...

Bummer Alert

While his influence may not be immediately apparent, it's safe to say we wouldn't have heavy metal without the stylings of one B.B. King.

RIP a Livecast

This week, we celebrated recording 300 episodes of the RIP a Livecast. We got congratulatory voicemails from past guests like Gunface, Dave Hill, Dan...

Bummer Alert

Live long and prosper, Leonard!


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...

Bummer Alert

Rest in power.

Bummer Alert

He was only 54 years old.


Finally, we can hear what the massiveness that is Nightkin sounds like. The band features Mike "Gunface" McKenzie on vocals and drummer Zack Gibson and guitarist Dave...

Tour Dates

It seems like only yesterday the staff of Metal Injection and MetalSucks celebrated our third annual CMJ Showcase with Pig Destroyer slaying the sold...

Around the Interwebs

Longtime listeners of the RIP a Livecast know that our favorite game to play is Death or No Death, where Darren gives us a...

Upcoming Releases

Mike "Gunface" McKenzie can not stop! Even though he mentioned that The Red Chord won't be releasing new material any time soon,  he is...

Latest News

The Red Chord released Fed Through The Teeth Machine in 2009 and then pretty much went silent post-tour. Unfortunately the silence since then is...

Tour Dates

We're very excited for our upcoming CMJ showcase presented alongside MetalSucks, featuring Fuck The Facts, Fit For An Autopsy, Meek Is Murder, Hivesmasher, and the first live appearance...

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