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Here's OPETH Frontman Mikael Akerfeldt Describing Two New Songs

We are big fans of Opeth around these parts, so any tidbit of news is huge news for me. Last month, Opeth frontman revealed that there is a 90% chance the band will be touring North American in 2013.

This month, he reveals that there is new Opeth material being written.

In a recent interview, Akerfeldt was asked about current songwriting sessions:

"I have one new song, which I really like, a new song. It's the most miserable song I ever wrote, and it's beautiful, I think. And then I have a song that we jammed, actually, on tour. I came up with a little lick and became a bit of a director and just told everyone to play this and that, and we started jamming on something. And it sounded, immediately from the beginning, which was also my idea, it sounded like the band Goblin, if you heard them, the Italian [progressive rock] band. So it's a crazy riff, a Goblin rip-off, and the song is called 'Goblin', which is a good title, I think. And we're gonna record it. I'm not sure if that will be too much of a fucked up song to be on the record, because there will definitely only be one song ever we do that is gonna sound like that. So maybe it'll just be some extra thing that we have. But it's really good; I love it. But then again, it's just because of the closeness to Goblin."

I am completely onboard with this! Are you still interested in Opeth, or has their move to a more progressive sound turned you off?

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