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Search results for "Instrumental"


"Charismatic Leaders is another classic entry in their catalog and another reason for why Wheel absolutely deserves to be a household name in the...


"The Shape of Fluidity is an outstanding glimpse into van Dorst's individual (but universally resonant) triumphs and tribulations."


"If you're looking to grab a drink, gather some mates, and have a good time - consider putting on Rankarumpu as your gathering music."


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...


"With minimal (but not too minimal) production values, and a clear DIY vibe, Coffin Storm is exactly what you think it should be."


"It's not a terrible record by any means, but it is disappointingly predictable and familiar."


"The Mandrake Project was easily worth the 10-year gestation period and the 20-year wait since Tyranny Of Souls."


"I can say without any hesitation whatsoever that The Other Side of Mars is the strongest play in any of the Crüe solo projects."


"With She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She, Wolfe continues her reign as perhaps the most disquietly serene singer/songwriter around."


"If you're a fan of this style and can dedicate your full attention to it, Lightless is guaranteed to deliver a transformative experience."


"Take a listen to The Deepening and you'll hear why there's so much to celebrate."


"If Death Is But A Door is a sign of things to come, Alluvial will continue to carve out an important spot for themselves...


"From Dark Discoveries to Heartless Portraits is at once a marvelous offering and a missed opportunity."


"This is a great album from a band destined to do great things. Let the ritual continue, gentlemen."


"Let the Truth Speak is a magnificent journey ripe with philosophical weight and creative wonderment."


"However familiar The Fear of Fear may be, there’s no question that it finds Spiritbox operating at the top of their game."


"Venera could have easily been a forgettable fluke ('Remember that weird album from the Korn guitarist?'), but it actually plays remarkably well in the...


"While more variety and adventurousness would surely improve The Cancer Pledge, it's already pretty damn good."


Egokills is a superb example of how to uphold a consistent identity while also ensuring that each piece of the puzzle feels individualized and...


"Spirit Adrift never sacrifices quality for quantity, and with its heartfelt songwriting and dynamic arrangements, Ghost at the Gallows is likely the best example...


"At times playful, philosophical, and downright pulverizing (sometimes in immediate succession), it’s a nearly flawless creation full of genre-splicing adventurousness and emotional zigzags."


"Beyond being a sizable improvement over Solipsist, Datalysium will surely go down as one of 2023's greatest tech death metal opuses."


"If In Exile proves anything, it’s that 1476 will remain a band deserving of attention whenever they drop new music."