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Search results for "CHAOS"


"Enjoying the bloody feast that is Chaos Horrific is probably the closest you can come to joining the fun."


"Overall, Born into Chaos has significant heft to it. It has balance and a great deal of accessibility."


"Hurricane Nita" lives up to her nickname here...


Eight grim and frostbitten tracks with a ferocity and blackened dynamism not heard since their classic At The Heart Of Winter album nearly twenty...

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. So...


Every once in a while though bands like Chaos come along to reassure us that the flame still burns and that angry, politically charged...


Black Metal is better when its weird and immersive.


There are many solos incorporated throughout, they are nimble, decisive and carry a proficient charm to them.


1349 is a perplexing creature among the fork-tongued legions of Satan's choirs. Some folks will tell you they are mind-bending visionaries, while others will...


There’s something special about a band like Force of Darkness, a group who takes a no-nonsense approach akin to that of Possessed, Sarcofago, Hellhammer,...

Black Metal History

Overtly sinister sonic imagery requires some suspension of disbelief on my part. Either I’ll buy into a band’s bombast and bluster, or their attempts...


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...

Black Metal History

by  Jeremy Ülrey The headlines of the nation's newspapers scream with the revelations of a sinister plot to slaughter progressive politicians and religious leaders in...


Wednesday night, for the first time in my life, I shot a show where I was scared shit out of my pants while standing...


I’m sure my attempts at humor in my recent raw black metal reviews has probably resulted in Obscure Abhorrence Records, and perhaps some of...


I thought the days of SUFFOCATION cloning were done! In all fairness though, there’s a very good reason why SUFFOCATION was ripped off more...


Hey! These guys named themselves after a Meshuggah album, so they must be on of those Meshuggah influenced bands! Oh, sorry, that was “ChaoSPHERE”....


"Ingested is unafraid to explore different caves of sound and engage with different melodies, crafting a sound that never sacrifices intensity with ten brand...


"If you're a fan of this style and can dedicate your full attention to it, Lightless is guaranteed to deliver a transformative experience."


"Vitriol is poised to really 'level up' in the world of extreme metal and find themselves in the same breath as some of more...


"Of Momentous Endless Night provides the listener with a thought-provoking and epic journey into the heart of winter."


"We don't know how the Children of Bodom team kept up their high level of intensity during such a long set, but they have...


"As far as I'm concerned, Villfarelse not only proves one of the best albums of the year, but it has the weight and qualities...