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Search results for "Age"


"'The Age of the Offended' is Cadaver right up in your grill."


"Beyond being a sizable improvement over Solipsist, Datalysium will surely go down as one of 2023's greatest tech death metal opuses."


"A symphony of harsh negativity and violence. That's it. That's the review."


"Tighter, more consistent and still absolutely punishing, Heritage is an album that will turn more than a few heads in Distant's direction."


"However anyone one tries to categorize them, no one does it quite like Elder."


"There are a lot of bands that exemplify relief in their art but only few express catharsis at the level of Portugal's Gaerea."


"This latest record finds our favorite scumdogs going back to the early 90's a bit – back to their sweetspot."


Bombenhagel is a compact celebration of their caustic chemistry. The spoils of Sodom's long running crusade are bestowed upon all of us.


Tobias “Wintherr” Möckl has been releasing cold, raw, harsh black metal under the Paysage d'Hiver pseudonym since 1997, and bears the standard of Swiss...


“We know that we are entering the final years of our career as musicians: the winter of our lifetime.”  – says frontman Fernando Ribiero....


I love the original Star Wars trilogy, like most people who are alive and not assholes. I was born too late to see any...


Is it black metal or is it "gutter sniping, lo-fi punk of a desperately unbalanced and astringent order"?


This isn't empty 80s nostalgia. Savage Master is the real deal for listeners looking for high-quality classic heavy metal (with a touch of thrash).


The metalcore heroes return with their first record on Metal Blade records, cutting through another record packed with anthemic screams and riffs.


Black Passage is a Bay area progressive metal band featuring members of Wolf King and Fallujah. The group uses their debut record, The Veil,...


Now We Sleep maintains the magnetism and strive of The Observer while also upholding its own identity and idiosyncrasies throughout.


Fusing a whole variety of black metal, this is a thrilling debut that can't help but to fascinate.


While the Deafheaven comparison can be justified, Further Still emerges more like a crusty punk rocker hell bent on grinding it out like latter...


“I am going to sing for you. A little off key, perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak. I will...


Passage into the Xexanotth is an unearthly descent into a primordial hellscape and should utterly annihilate any notion that Chthe'ilist’s 2016 debut was a...


Praise the horrors of space with Necroexophilia’s new album, Intergalactic Armageddon


I'm going to be straight up, right off the bat. This album will absolutely be hitting my top albums of the year list come...


No part of Fucked And Bound's new LP is subtle in its vicious hardcore glory